Are you enjoying the extra me-time that the ‘Work from Home’ setup has bought for all of us? The lack of commute may have added a few hours to our leisure time but it is up to us to make the most it.
One of the most tangible advantages of not going to office has been minimised exposure to sun, dust and other pollutants. This change reflects not only in our overall physical health but also in the health of our skin and hair.
Working From Home? Your Skin And Hair Need Extra Care
But this delightful fact can make us complacent and we lack off in our beauty regime. So, let’s go through a few simple ways you can give your skin and hair the extra care they need with Origen’s wide range of cruelty-free beauty products.

Hydrate your body and skin
Even though you are working from home, your body needs water. Sometimes you may skip it while chasing those deadlines, but we are here to remind you. Start your working day with a glass of room-temperature water and always keep a filled water bottle at your desk. But when it comes to hydrating your skin, you can trust Origen’s Aloe Vera Hydrating & Moisturizing Face Wash that refreshes dull skin. Did you know that aloe vera contains anti-aging properties and is suitable for all skin types?
Moisturise and repeat
No, covering your skin in moisturiser after you’re out of the shower is not enough. Your skin, especially the one on your hands and feet, need regular moisturisation. Origen Moisturizing Lotion repairs dry, damaged and scaly skin often caused by regular washing and sanitising of hands! It is loaded with the goodness of olive oil and almond oil rich in anti-aging properties which help reduce wrinkles and aging.
Oil your hair
When you no longer have to align your hair wash day with your office days and hours, why not give your hair a little extra love? Your hair loves a good massage and Origen All-Natural Ayurvedic Hair Oil helps fight premature greying and promotes hair growth as well. You can leave it overnight and wash it off with Origen Ayurvedic Anti-Dandruff Hair Wash that fights dandruff and leaves you with clean and healthy hair. So, rejuvenate your hair and scalp at home and forget about stepping out with oil-covered hair.
Borrow Sleeping Beauty’s Secret
You may not realise it but you can get pretty exhausted even though you aren’t regularly going to office. All the household chores, worrying about deadlines and maintaining a good diet can be tiring. That is why it is of utmost importance that your body gets sufficient rest and sleep. Did you know that your skin produces most collagen while your sleep? You can accelerate the benefits of sleep by adding the Origen Night Cream to your skincare routine. Made up of herbal active, it is a nourishing cream that prevents skin aging, pigmentation, blemishes, and more.
We hope these tips serve as a reminder that your skin and hair deserve love and cannot be taken for granted. We also promise to keep innovating and bringing you more beauty solutions that actually work!