

Orange fruit is a delicious summer fruit that is widely available in every household.Apart from being a divine fruit, orange has numerous benefits for the skin. One of the well-known benefits of orange fruit is it’s loaded with Vitamin C properties. Orange skincare products also act as a perfect toner which makes skin supple and soft. It is full of citric acid that helps fights pimple leaving clear and blemish-free skin. Benefits of Orange include:

  • Orange is a natural bleach that can help get rid of suntan and dark spots.
  • It can be an excellent scrub to remove dead skin.
  • The citric acid in Oranges can dry out acne and fight oiliness of the skin.
  • The natural oil and antioxidants properties in Orange act as a toner leaving moisturized and clear skin.

Products in Focus

Origen Orange Face Wash | Removes Suntan & Fights Free Radicals | For Normal & Oily Skin (80ml)
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