Shea Butter

An ideal cosmetic ingredient for skin, shea butter is a fat that comes from shea tree nuts found in West Africa. Using shea butter is also recommended in Ayurveda due to its benefits. Often considered as the perfect source of moisture for skin, shea butter benefits can be best useful during winter. Rich in fatty acids, vitamin A, E, and C, shea butter is known as the best moisturizing agent that keeps skin soft, nourished, and youthful. Some of the benefits of shea butter are:
- Treats dry and cracked skin due to its moisturizing properties.
- Reduces blemishes and scars with its fatty acids and plant sterols.
- Keeps skin supple and hydrated throughout the day.
- Rich with anti-aging properties that keep skin radiant and youthful.
- Soothes irritated skin, reduce fine line & wrinkles, and protects from UV rays.